Nit Picking & Pin Pricking

Archive:  November 11, 2010
First things first!  I am playing Sunday @ The 5 Spot in Nashville.  I’ll go on around 10:30 or so I think.  The other bands that are playing are lovely as well and you can get more information at – There.  Shameless plug completed.  Please go 🙂


I have to make this short because I’m doing some sort of filming or something for a commercial or… It’s for a southern tea house here in town and my friend Kelly will be here in 6 hours to pick me up so I need me beauty rest.

I’ve known for some time now that I’ve been doing so much self examination and sort of maintenance for so long (all year really) that it’s become a little obsessive.  Like I could never be a good enough person.  I realized sometime last week (in the acceptance of my being a leader) that I need to chill the f^$% out with that stuff.  The truth of the matter is that I need to allow myself to be myself.  Completely and unadulteratedly me.  Faults and all.

In order to be humble I must accept me for who I am:  Faults and strengths.  The whole bundle.  What I do that is actually really wrong I will ask forgiveness for and do my best to not repeat those actions or states of my heart but flaws are not the same thing as sins.  And I do not need to iron out all my flaws.  That’s not my job.  And isn’t the point of community and the point of love the very fact that we accept each other in spite of our inherent flaws?  Setting criticisms and nitpicking of ourselves and others aside so that we can actually move toward growth?

Now.  Bed time.