Archive: July 15, 2010
Right now I am sitting in my home. Surrounded by projects in every direction. Sewing projects on my ironing board, “The Simple Truth” by Philip Levine and “Best American Non-Required Reading – 2007” compiled by Dave Eggers sitting next to me in my reading nook, I’ve got magazines strewn everywhere because I am cutting and pasting images that I like, and my guitars are out and looking forward to being picked up for a show I’ll be playing very soon actually. I thought I’d fit in a quick blog before I left for the show @ The Family Wash tonight.
Today is one of those days that I wish I could be creative full time instead of working (although, I LOVE my job. If I have to keep a day job to support my writing and creative habits I’m so glad that it’s waitressing at The Family Wash). Along with all of the other rehauls to my life which are occurring this year I have decided to start proactively saving money and paying off debt. I don’t overspend at all but I have gotten into the habit of living paycheck to paycheck and not putting anything aside. So… all that is about to change. What’s the point of working if I don’t get to take trips to Europe for fun or for music? What’s the point of working if I’m not buying new guitars or paying off debt. As I am not working inside of a budget I have my hunches that the money is being frittered away on things I’m not aware of. Intangibles. Mostly – I think I may be eating my money. And when I do find enough money around to actually get some debt paid my van breaks down, or some such situation. Effectively siphoning the money into another direction. So… here goes my hope to change the direction of things. Fingers crossed, eyes squished shut. Common little baby plan… WORK! 🙂
Ok… kidding aside, it’s been an interesting month or so. My flood recovery act in June very quickly turned into July. Things are, more or less, back to normal – though a bit moist and moldy still. I was constantly finding mold for a while there – 2 ruined guitar cases – so sad. Every time I would open a box that had been packed for storage right after the flood green peach fuzzy mold spores would appear in my life… mmmm… peaches… (gets up, goes to the fridge, digs around, shuts the refrigerator door, the sound of high heels on a wood floor, slurps the peach down to the pit and re-emerges, covered in peach juice). The process was weirdly daunting and every time I turn around I am reminded that I was in the Great Nashville Flood. My entire home is a constant reminder. I don’t know if that will ever wear off.
It’s funny, because when I moved back in I had some sort of weird “my life has gotta change” moment. I started doing yoga, I was dancing again, I started doing collages, and all that has remained but it has lessened somehow. All just sort of part of my private life. In the last 2 weeks I have realized that I am really REALLY VERY MUCH an introvert. And though I can function well for extended periods as an extrovert (because I love people) it burns me down like no other if I’m not getting enough time to myself.
And as one can not get more extroverted than being on tour – I think it might be time to book another. 🙂 Midwest? West Coast? Are you guys interested? Kansas? Denver? Ft. Collins? Boise, Portland, Seattle, Olympia, California, Phoenix? You kids down? Cause I am. I haven’t not been on tour in August since 2001. I feel it’s a shame to start now. So – this isn’t an official announcement as I have some THINGS in the works but it might be soon. I just need to hear from you. I’m thinking August and the beginning of September. Fresno? How do you feel about this?
I realise this message is a bit disjointed. I’m just kind of throwing spaghetti at a wall to see if it sticks. I’ll write a better one later this week and I’ll tell you all about Chicago. Promise 🙂