Chasing Squirrels With Abandon

Archive:  November 5, 2010
I spent today with Whitney and my bass player Tim.  Whitney wanted to walk through the Vanderbilt campus in fall and I have to say I don’t think that a thought like that would have ever crossed my mind.  So I was totally up for it.  We grabbed Daisy and made plans with Tim, tied of some things at home, and went on our way.


The fall leaves are in full swing right now and every turn we made was gorgeous.  Exploring all the pathways in Vanderbilt and discovering the different kinds of architecture was amazing.  But I have to say that myself and Daisy had a really great time.  I may have ruined by dog by giving her a new found lust for squirrel blood.  But every time we saw a squirrel on the ground I ran so that she could chase it (leashed of course) and would scream out “SQUIRREL!!!!!”  Daisy would chase them into a tree and then stand at the foot of the tree barking and barking.

We chased squirrels at every chance we had and I had so much fun.  Daisy’s heart was positively racing.  She never stopped tugging on my arm to ask to chase something else.  At one point we watched a squirrel make a seemingly impossible jump from a brick wall to a tree about 20 or 30 feet in front of it in order to escape Daisy’s fearsome but oh so cute jaws.  At another point we discovered a squirrel carrying a handful of acorns as someone might carry a bag of groceries across the street and when me and Daisy ran after it we caused the squirrel to drop it’s nuts in out-right panic.  I took the acorns and carried them as my badge of victory for the afternoon.  I have to say that it was really really fun.

When I got home I discovered that my administration gene was in full full swing and I am working on the new tour dates for December in California and January in the southwest as I make my way back across.  I’ll post some projections soon… but here are some confirmations I have so far in Nashville, a couple of the California dates and two of the Northwest dates in March 2011.

Nov 14, 2010 8:00 PM The 5 Spot Nashville, TN Dec 8, 2010 8:30 PM The Family Wash Nashville, TN i Dec 23, 2010 9:00 PM Audie’s Olympic/Club Fred Fresno, CA Mar 9, 2011 TBA TBA – Olympia, WA Olympa, WA Mar 10, 2011 TBA TBA – Confirmed Bremerton, WA If you’ve been doing music for any amount of time that requires traveling you know that you have to plan your year the entire year in advance.  I think I’ll probably stop touring heavily after the march northwest tour for a couple of months in the hope of getting the record out there as soon as possible.  That is really my goal for 2011.  That and to be doing more serious touring on the east coast and the midwest.  So here we go.

Holy Crap.
