News And Such // July 29

Archive:  July 29, 2009

I sit in my home now, as still and quiet as it’s ever been, with candles lit around the various tables, my guitar keeping me company on the ground next to me, and my dog keeping me company in her bed.  It’s still in this place.  So full of peace.  So full of the future.  I am excited.  I am still.  I am expectant.  I am sure.

There are a lot of things to mull over this week.

Why, while my producer and his wife were out of town, did their home get robbed and completely wiped out of everything?  Like someone just moved them to another place without telling them they were moving.  Maybe they’ll get to their new home and all his instruments and recording gear, all her books and clothes, all their silverware and dishes (nothing special – just dishes of the Target persuasion), and furniture get stolen?  It’s crazy.  Maddening.  Confusing.

Why has the Internet become SO VAST that I can’t get my head around it.  There’s too much information now.  Too many dead links.  Too many ways to loose contact.  Too many details to manage.  What did make being a musician easier has almost made it crippling.  I am thinking about shutting down all my music sites (there are at least 15) and just coming to the old fashioned web site for my comfort.  We’ll see.  It’s craziness.  Just too many pages to update and keep track of.  All of them end up suffering.

What am I going to do about the practical things?  Music, relationships with family and friends, moving to a new home next month (potentially), and supporting those I love, touring, recording, continuing to write, living in general type stuff… it’s all overwhelming and manageable.  All easy and difficult.  But in a lovely way 🙂


*There is good news today.  A blog online has decided to publish a lovely little article on me and you should go and check it out 🙂


*I am booking a tour and I desperately need your help… Here are the open dates:

August 19-21st…. anywhere in Portland, OR, Olympia, WA, or Seattle, WA area
August 26-27th… Salt Lake City, UT and Provo, UT
August 28th-31st Fort Collins, Co or Denver, Co.
September 1… Omaha, NE
September 2… Kansas City, KS
September 4… Tulsa, OK
September 5… OK City, OK
If you have any ideas or any other ideas for the tour please let me know.  I would love to hear them.


August 7 2009
Nashville, TN
@ The Family Wash

August 22 2009
Camas, WA
@ Tom Fest

August 24 2009
Roseburg, OR

August 25, 2009
Boise, ID
@ Hijinx

September 3 2009
Wichitah, KS
@ Verticle Violet

So we see… yes, there are some dates to fill.  I think it’s my bedtime 🙂  Love you guys!
