A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Rest Of My Life… | Kat Jones & The Prophets

Archive:  August 29, 2009

I sit now in a van, that for supremely hilarious reasons we’ve had to hot-rod in order to get to the next venue, a music festival in Roseburg, OR. Considering the way much of this tour has gone this is my first moment to relax since the tour started. Between last minute shows, trying to get an emergency pressing of Without A Sound done (Thanks to Perry and Cat @ Braid and Tangle!), and spending quality time with friends my time has been PACKED to say the least.
—– about 3 hours later —–
I am watching Insomniac Folklore at present. Next up is Bradley Hathaway. It’s great to see Tyler (I.F.) play a show (2 in one week!) after years of watching him grow as an artist and musician, and his weird and wonderful sense of humor root deeper into who he is. It’s like a cross between Danielson and The Crash Test Dummies. So Fun.
I guess this is a reunion show of sorts as I have toured with Bradley and Tyler – each in sort of foundational periods of their musical growth at the time. They’re both like brothers and business partners at the same time. I love running into Bradley whenever our paths cross. Our tour was a period of very strong growth for me. And! It looks like he might start covering “He Loves To See Me Cry” sometimes. That’ll be fun.
———- The Next Day-Aug. 25—–
It’s been a day for sure. I picked up an opening artist for the tour, Lucas Kerper. He won’t be able to play all the dates but we’re trying to cram him onto what we can. It’s been an adventure so far for sure. I mean to say this plainly: We’re lucky we’re not both in jail. A fairly sizable run-in with a female police officer in The Dalles resulted in her threatening an arrest, our tour vehicle being impounded and me paying a stranger, Casey, to drive us up and down I-84 trying to get our car out of the impound lot and back on the road without missing the set tonight in Boise, ID @ Liquid.
I have never missed a show whilst on the road. Not for breakdown’s, flat tires, snow storms, or floods. I’m like a postman that way. So this one made me a bit nervous. But we made it. However, as one might imagine – as a result of said present “outlaw” status: we are at present more than broke. It was something I had NO control over unfortunately but, out of respect to the other parties involved I shall refrain from further details. So onto the present!

—-August 26th, 2009—-
I now sit on Matt Hopper’s porch in Boise, ID. We are listening to the Arts & Crafts sampler and enjoying the company of 1 Lucas Kerper, whom is at present trying to figure out why the tone on his pan flute it being effected. Tonight Matt and I will be enjoying The Avett Brothers at the Knitting Factory and Luke is going to be busking and performing downtown. We’ve already seen Mother Hips today. All for free!
——August 28th, 2009——
Yeah, I drove West instead of East on I-84 yesterday on the way to Salt Lake City, UT and didn’t notice until we were in Oregon again. Yeah, my bad. And we may not be allowed back in Oregon for a while (just kidding!) so I turned around, shaking my head in shame, and drove 10 hours to SLC to visit my sister and grandma on grandma’s birthday. It’s been a day of tramolining with my neices and nephews, singing Happy Birthday to grandma Jones, and catching up with my sister. My nephew came down with strep throat so here’s to hoping that doesn’t hit our little tour clunker. Tomorrow Ft. Collins!
I updated some of the Kansas City dates today so please check them out and come if you will. There are 2. We’re hitting KC hard yo! 🙂
Here’s to an uneventful drive tomorrow?
Cheers – Kat